know about our
FWA delivers quality services in the communities due to the encouragement and support in kind, expertise and financial from various sources.
- Individuals
- Trusts/ Grant making organizations: Tata Trusts, Bombay Community Public Trust (BCPT), Concern India Foundation, R K Daryanani Charitable Trust, Amita Mehta Trust…
- NGOs/Corporate Foundations: NSE Foundation, Volkart Foundation
- Service groups: Lions/ Rotary/Inner Wheel Clubs…
and many others over the years …
What they Say

Old age is an unavoidable part of our life cycle and should be lived gracefully rather than diffidently. FWA vaccinates new hopes in senior citizens and provides a platform for them to open up, stay motivated and live with dignity.
Ms. Utpala Thacker, Chief Operating Officer The Bombay Community Public Trust (BCPT)