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NOTE: Donations accepted in Indian currency only

Donations are eligible for 50% deduction under section 80G of Income Tax Act.

What our well wishers say

My mother has been a member of the Family Welfare Agency for the last four years. She attends activities related to Senior Citizens on Health, laws, music, drama, dance. Every festival is celebrated with joy and tradition. My mother, like a schoolgirl, goes to this happy school every Tuesday and Thursday without fail. She plays, chats with friends and enjoys a lot after going there at this age is all because of this organization. Thank you, all the best for future progress.

Nilam Sawardekar (Daughter) Lower Parel

I feel the Family Welfare Agency is like a maternal home for the senior citizens. I experienced this as my father-in-law had mental health issues for which I got guidance and support being a part of the Agency. He would go regularly. All senior citizens once they participate, forget their sorrows, and happily involve as they feel welcome and respected. Agency promotes and encourages the talents and qualities of the seniors. I wish this Agency is forever functioning.

Prajakta Toraskar (Caregiver, Daughter in law) Lower Parel

I changed my thinking towards the elderly. I realized they are as important a person in the community when I saw the work done by The Family Welfare Agency with the elders. I saw the elders singing songs, doing yoga, and celebrating birthdays with their friends. I saw the elder's happy face. I helped out and during the lockdown I distributed for FWA the relief kits to the homes of seniors who were alone or had health issues. I felt blessed and delighted for the chance and would do so again.

Jawed ali shaikh (Community volunteer) Matunga labour camp
Events and Campaigns organized

Awareness for sensitization, rights of the elderly, & psychosocial wellness