Glimpses of
Our Journey
Inception in 1950 to the mid 90’s FWA continued to provide services to the community which included women, children, adolescents, youth, and on issues of adoption, foster care, and disability.
Elder care initiatives
Over four decades the FWA elder care initiatives have evolved to include direct services, networking, advocacy, training, research, and publications such as:
- 1979: Programme for the elderly (PFE) ‘Day care services’ grassroot-level work with senior citizens, a pioneering effort initiated.
- 1996: Multi service centers for Senior Citizens (MSC) - on need based services.
- 1997: Cell for training professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers, to work with elderly.
- 2000: Networking across organizations working for the care of the elderly – ‘Mumbai cares for the elderly’.
- 2002: Extension community-based elder care services in Dharavi, B.M.C ward GN, Mumbai.
- 2003: Ward wise networking initiatives in Mumbai – develop ‘elder friendly wards’
- 2003: Care of the homebound senior citizens.
- 2009: Sensitization campaign ‘We Care: Stop Elder Abuse’
- 2015: Community care of the elderly in Lower Parel and Dharavi, Mumbai.
- 2016: Extension of elder care program - GTB Nagar, B.M.C ward FN and Sewri, B.M.C ward FS, Mumbai.
- 2020: Relief work ‘We care: COVID 19 response’ - awareness, psycho-social support, distribution of relief kits.
- 2021: Support Senior Citizens COVID 19 vaccination drive and mental wellness.
- Advocacy: Core group participant of first draft formulation - Maharashtra State Senior Citizens Policy (2002), seek National and State Policy implementation and promote senior citizen’s rights.
- Social Science Research: Situational analysis of older persons in city of Mumbai (2002), Situational analysis of older persons in Ward FS and FN with Caregiver Perspective (2017)
- Publications: ‘Towards Enriching Years’ - A programme for the elderly (2001), ‘Networking of organizations working for care of older persons in Mumbai’ (2002), ‘Directory of organizations working for care of the elderly in Mumbai’ (2002).

Mental health care initiatives
Following the Amalgamation order in 1991 FWA has continued direct services in mental health for all adults.
- Pre 1996 – basic mental health services to promote mental health and support the mentally ill
- 1996 – reconstruction of Mental Health Center
- 1997 - Comprehensive mental health services initiated
- 1999 - Day care services for the rehabilitation of the recovering mentally ill patients
- 2002 - Community mental health outreach preventive services
- 2010 – Booklet ‘Mental Health and You’
- 2016 onwards – Mental health awareness and Mental health clinic.
Community care: emphasis on senior citizens and caregivers/families