Our Initiative
Networking in services for the elderly in city of Mumbai
‘Networking in services for the elderly in the city of Mumbai’, a unique initiative to bring together and develop collaboration among organization’s working for the care of the elderly to reach out to the larger segment of the elderly in the city.
FWA reach out to 205 organizations such as associations of retired persons, associations of senior citizens, non-government organizations and old age homes. The initiative facilitated the following:
- A study of 70 organizations published as a book ‘Networking of organizations working for care of older persons in Mumbai’.
- ‘Mumbai cares for the elderly’ workshop to facilitate networking in the city.
- Development of FWA community elder care services in Dharavi.
- ‘Directory of organizations working for care of the elderly in Mumbai’ – a publication of ward level information with maps.
- ‘Situational analysis of older persons in the city of Mumbai’ study of 12090 senior citizens.
- Ward wise elder care workshops ‘Senior citizens issues in Mumbai’.
‘Ward- wise networking initiatives for the care of the elderly in the city of Mumbai’ initiated to develop ‘elderly friendly ward’. Ward level networking introduce across service providers, informal and formal organizations to develop responsive elder care services.
FWA a participant in the development of first draft Maharashtra State Senior Citizens Policy continues to network and advocate the senior citizens cause at Civic, State and National levels.