T. Dhamankar, is a 66 years old elderly woman living in S.K.Mansion, Delisle Road. She has no major physical issues. She lost her husband at a young age and has been working as a domestic helper for many years. She has brought up her only son through a lot of struggles and lives with him and her daughter in law.
She was harassed by her daughter in law and did not feel supported by her son. She was beaten by daughter in law and tense. FWA member, her neighbor referred her to the FWA for help. Due to the situation of physical abuse, she was provided with mental support and counseled about her rights as well as medico – legal requirements. She decided to visit the police station with the FWA team and reported the matter. Her son and daughter in law were dealt with strongly at the police station with a warning.
FWA team worked with the FWA senior citizens volunteer members who lived near Dhamankar to keep regular visit to her and informed the community mandal as well as her immediate relations. Her family was informed that such incidence of abuse must not repeat. Her daughter in law continued to verbally abuse her but gradually reduced as she realized Dhamankar has support from FWA and others.
She started experiencing symptoms of fear and depression for which she was referred to the mental health clinic for assessment and treatment.
She gradually got introduced to the FWA services for the elderly and participated regularly as she found a space, where she could express herself, she gained information and could assert herself with her family as well as avenues for relaxation and recreation. She now has the confidence to seek action and protect herself as she wants legal guidance to protect her house ownership.